Cycling Routes

The Bakar area offers numerous cycling tours. Some are easy and recreational, and some are physically more challenging. But none will leave you indifferent. Find out why below!

Vistas of the Bakar Hinterland

For the more adventurous, this 31-km-long circular route offers the most beautiful views of the Bakar hinterland in the direction of Kvarner and the islands. The route starts in the center of Škrljevo towards Bakarske Prezidi and then climbs steeply towards Hreljin and Plasi. Here, it will reward you with an amazing view of Kvarner Bay. The route continues through the Satničko picnic area and the southern slopes of Tuhobić, descending toward Koritnjak. After crossing the Meja – Gornje Jelenje main road, the route passes along the Matušajna and Trebestin Hills, where there are several military bunkers. A large part of the route follows the so-called “Rupnik Line,” a series of bunkers built as a defense line toward Italy in the interwar period. The last part of the route descends to the hamlet of Ponikve (known for the lake that “appears and disappears” – hyperlink na Jezero koje nastaje i nestaje) and returns to Škrljevo. Learn more about the route here.

Routes of the Frankopans

This technically not too demanding route follows the remains of the Frankopan and Zrinski heritage sites in the Bakar area. Our “tiny pearl” is one of the stops on the route, and in addition to enjoying its Frankopan heritage, it offers the pleasure of cycling through the Bakar hinterland, through Hreljin and the nearby Frankopan fortress, then along the Bakarske Prezidi and the coast of Bakar Bay. Of course, while you are in Bakar, do not forget to enjoy a slice of the Bakar cake or throw some Bakar baškot into your saddlebags. It will come in handy on the rest of the route. You can read more about it here.

Rijeka Cycling Transversal

The almost 80-km-long route makes the tour of the area from Kastav in the north to the edge of Vinodol in the south a unique cycling experience. There are a number of interesting points along the entire Bakar region (information on the route can be found here – hyperlink The transversal begins in Škrljevo and continues through Krasica towards Hreljin and the mountainous part of the route. Given its overall length, it is advisable to go through it in several stages, with breaks, relaxation, and rest in between. Let the Bakar region be one of your destinations on this route!